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Writer, journalist, editor, literary critic, essayist, translator, theorist of SF literature, Ion Hobana was a member of the Writers Union of Romania, and of Société Européenne de Culture, HG Wells Society, Centre International Jules Verne, Associazione Internazionale per gli Studi sulle Utopie. It has long been secretary of the Writers' Union. In recent years, he led the department of literature for children and youth of Bucharest Writers Association, being also member of the Board of the Writers Union of Romania. For all his work in Science Fiction he was awarded the grand prize of the Polish Ministry of Culture and Arts (1973), the special prize "Golden wings of fantasy" (1980) and the prize “World F” (Brighton, 1984).
In late 2009, when he was in full on a new working book, John Hobana was diagnosed with a relentless disease, the chances of survival being between 6 and 9 months. He worked hard and even though in September 2010 was bedridden, he managed to resist and give ready for printing in November his last work: "Over a hundred thousand years. A History of French Literature scientific imagination from its origins to 1900" (in Romanian; Romanian Academy Press), and he had the satisfaction to see his published book.
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